Wednesday, May 14, 2008

"I Told You So!"...

Okay, funny story...I really think it's one of those "you-had-to-be-there" funny stories, but, nonetheless, I'll share it!
Alex was at our house a few weeks ago on a Sunday afternoon. He was on the back porch with the girls when, all of a sudden, he comes running thru the house screaming, "The ice cream truck! The ice cream truck is coming! I hear it! I hear it!"
Poor little man, he thought he heard an ice cream truck...little did he know that in the five years we've lived in this house, I've never seen an ice cream truck come down the street. I tried to break it to him as gently as possible, not wanting to crush his little spirit. After all, I'm the adult, and I know everything, right? How is it that in adulthood we sometimes lose that child-like sense of wonder? You hear music playing? It MUST be the ice cream truck!
Okay, back to the I try to explain to him that there is no way possible it was the ice cream truck, he is assuring me that it is in fact, the ice cream truck. He was so certain, it broke my heart! He ran to the front porch and planted himself on the front steps, declaring that he would sit right there until the truck came by. I told Jordan and Shelby to stay on the steps with him, knowing that eventually, he would lose faith and come inside.
Then I heard song...what is it? As the girls fling the front doors open, Alex is excitedly yelling, "I told you so! I TOLD you so!" David and I run to the front door. I look at him and say, "I think I heard it, too...could it really be...?" I look out and see Jordan and Shelby trying to hang on to was like watching two girls trying to catch a greased pig! He was determined to break free and run for it! I rush over, pick him up, and we run across the street to the park. All the while, he's saying, "I told you so! OOOH! Get out of the street! He's gonna run over us, Ne-Ne!" I'm laughing so hard, tears are streaming down my face. Barefoot, still in my church clothes, and with Alex on my hip, I'm running toward the truck to flag him down. I point to our street and motion for him to come our way. I look around for David, realizing we're chasing the ice cream truck and have no money! He's one step ahead of me and runs toward the sidewalk, cash in hand.
As the ice cream truck turned down our street, we all stood on the sidewalk, cheering and waving. It must have looked like a parade. As the music played, one by one, each child went to the window to buy ice cream. With camera in hand, laughing and crying, I sat on the grass and watched as Alex smiled the smile of knowing for sure that he heard the ice cream truck...he told us so!

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