Tagged by Emily Tate! Okay, here goes:
Maybe I should - clean my house, or maybe not...get a mohawk (says Shelby)...
I love the smell of - coffee, magnolias, anything spice-y that reminds me of the holidays...
People would say that I- am nosey, although I prefer to say that I'm curious!
I don’t understand why -old fat men wear Speedos on the beach...every time we go to the beach I see at least one old, wrinkly, fat man in a Speedo...it's like driving by a car crash...I can't help but stare...
When I wake up in the morning - I take my TriVita B-12 first thing!
I lost my willpower to - train for a half-marathon...
Life is - a gift...don't waste it on addictions, worries, or wanting to have it all...all of our material possessions and everything of this world will pass away...
My past made me - who I am today, the good and the bad...
I get annoyed when - adults have too much DRAMA going on and feel the need to share it with everyone...
Parties are not a good time to - get caught in a conversation with that one person who wants to tell you their life story...
Dogs are - an essential part of childhood. I remember certain moments in life by the dogs we had at the time...it all started with my dog Boo-Boo...
Cats are - worthless...
Tomorrow is - wide open...it's never too late to be what you might have been!
I have low tolerance for - bratty kids, people who cut me off in traffic, people who have a back car window full of stuffed animals, people who talk too loudly on cell phones while in a waiting room or restaurant when the conversation is pointless... Maybe I should stop there...
I’m totally terrified of - tornadoes, my children drowning even though they both can swim...
I wonder why I thought my life would be -normal... I don't think there is such a thing...what defines normal?
I always knew I would - have girls, still be clumsy and quirky...
Never in my life have I - funneled beer or gotten a tattoo...WHAT?! It's the first thing that came to mind, and it's the truth!
High school was - fun, but I'm glad it's over!
When I’m nervous- I do things way too fast...I have to tell myself to breathe and slow down!
One time at a family gathering - on Christmas Eve at my grandmother's house, her cousin stopped by for the usual holiday visit. He was feeling very reminiscent (had a little too much holiday cheer, if you know what I mean...if you don't know, that means he was drunk)...anyway, he was telling a story about the good ole days, cigarette in hand, while eating pieces of turkey off a tray. As he was telling the story, the ash on the cigarette grew longer and longer. As a bored twelve year old, this was amusing to me. No one else seemed to notice. Then, the tower of ash fell below onto the tray of turkey. He never looked at the turkey, only reaching over to fold a piece and bring it to his mouth. He never knew the long roll of ash was hidden in the piece of turkey he was eating. I watched in amusement as he ate the whole piece, ash and all. I still laugh when I think about it all these years later...
Take my advice - 1.) Take lots of photos of your kiddos while they are young and cute...before teeth start to fall out and they hit that awkward growth spurt...2.) Enjoy where you are in life...it goes by too fast to say, "I'll be happy when...".
Making my bed-is laughable...
I'm almost always - singing a song in my head, talking to myself (internal conversation) or talking to my Heavenly Father...
I’m addicted to - cracked pepper and olive oil Triscuits washed down with a Diet Coke (at first, you thought it said crack, didn't you?), my camera, my MacBook Pro, reading something, even if it's the back of the shampoo bottle...
I want someone to -take a road trip with...a girls only trip with no kids...
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