We spent a weekend visiting with my parents and my sister's crew...it was so good to roll around in the grass, feed the ducks, sit out on the deck talking about our childhood, it was good to laugh and take it easy...my mom left for Hong Kong this morning. Our visit was to spend time with her and my dad before she left. Please pray for her safe return. Look at Jordan, she's growing up. Heather and I went to Hayden's baby shower Saturday afternoon. Okay, I officially feel old. Not really, but reality set in...everyone had aged...the church ladies who give every mother-to-be a baby shower, my niece, my own daughters...it wasn't that long ago the baby shower was for Jordan...I'm thankful for every year added on to my life. God is so good to us.
ziti chickpeas with sausage and kale
1 week ago
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